Zoom Mini Tutorial:
To ensure a pleasant experience with your first Zoom Meeting, we highly encourage individuals to download and install the Zoom Application beforehand. To download and install the Zoom Application:
- Go to https://zoom.us/download and from the Download Center, click on the Download button under “Zoom Client For Meetings”.
- This application will automatically download when you start your first Zoom Meeting.
- Once the download is complete, proceed with installing the Zoom application onto your computer.
There are a couple of features on the zoom dashboard that you’ll need to be familiar with.
- Those logging on from PCs, Macs and smart phones will find their control dashboard located at the bottom of the Zoom screen. Those on tablet devices will find this dashboard in the top right.
- The first two functions on the left of our dashboard are the mute and video buttons, which control your microphone and video camera. Make sure there is no red line through them if you wish to say something or be seen.
- You can mute yourself for instance while someone else is talking or if you have noise happening behind you. Most users leave their microphones on mute when not speaking; a moderator will note if you unmuted yourself so you can speak to the group.
- Next, you may want to utilize the Chat function. For PCs and Macs — the chat is found in the middle of the dashboard; for tablet and Smartphone users, click the three dot ellipse (…) on the far right of your controls for a drop down menu including “chat”. Clicking the chat option opens a box on your screen. This is where you can type questions or have a conversation with other attendees.
- You can send a message to the entire group or click on a participant’s name to send them a private message.
- You can also view numerous Zoom tutorials here if you are unfamiliar with the platform.